Ben Wozniki and I talk about the book and ideas inside the covers of Team Topologies. Ben provides a great deal of advice on creating teams that are fit for purpose.  Ben and I have worked together, hosted a video podcast together, and more — it is a great conversation.

Ben is an Organizational Health Coach: Helping you deliver sooner, with higher confidence, and more consistency. 

  • Ben has 10 years of experience with all facets of technical and business agility and organizational transformation.
  • He collaborates with, trains, mentors, and coaches at all levels to smooth the transition to Lean and Agile ways of delivering value.
  • And aligns transformation efforts to organizational objectives so everyone is on the same page.

Contact Information


Re-Read Saturday News 

We have just completed our re-read of Project to Product ( – Amazon Affiliate link). Next week we begin our re-read of  Agile Conversations: Transform Your Conversations, Transform Your Culture (affiliate link). 

Catch up on previous installments:

Week 1: Foreword and Introduction 

Week 2: Age of Software 

Week 3: From Project to Product 

Week 4: Introducing The Flow Framework

Week 5: Capturing Flow Metrics 

Week 6: Connecting to Business Results 

Week 7: Tracking Disruptions 

Week 8: The Ground Truth of Enterprise Tool Networks –

Week 9: Specialized Tools and the Value Stream 

Week 10:Value Stream Management 

Week 11: The Conclusion  


Next week we begin 2022 with a reflection on the economic rationale for breaking work down into smaller pieces.  We will also have a visit from Tony Timbol and his To Tell A Story Column.