SPaMCAST 809 features our essay discussing whether accountability and responsibility are ever separated in real life. In a corporate setting, if you are interested in instigating a no-holds-barred debate bring up the topic of the relationship between accountability and responsibility. Get your popcorn ready BEFORE you start the discussion. 

We will also have a visit from Jon M Quigley who brings his Alpha and Omega of Product Development to the podcast. Jon and I discuss a nefarious form of micromanagement. 

Learn To Tame Your Work Intake Beast!

Whether you’re creating, enhancing, or maintaining software products, work intake is a challenge you deal with constantly. Doing the right work at the right time can make or break your project, and there are surprisingly few resources to show you how to manage this process effectively. You need to know what your team is executing, what work is next, and the skill sets required to do the work.

Buy a copy of Mastering Work Intake: From Chaos to Predictable Delivery by Tom Cagley and Jeremy Willets

A testimonial!

“I wholeheartedly recommend this book for anyone who has suffered through work intake missteps in Agile teams and wants to find a better way to deliver predictable results.”

Jeffrey A. Miller
Senior Consultant

Purchase a copy of the book from:

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Newport concludes Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World with a reminder that working deeply is a skill for getting important stuff done. We can learn and hone the skills needed for deep work by putting in the effort. The author suggests that deep work is not a moral or philosophical statement, I am not sure. Aristotle stated the most important virtue is wisdom. Deep work is required to develop wisdom. 


SPaMCAST 808 features our discussion with Steven Schkolne. We talk about design thinking and about how design thinking impacts users and user satisfaction. We answer what happens when a design thinker builds a business. 

Steven Schkolne is a computer scientist, designer, and entrepreneur who’s particularly passionate about the way humans work creatively with machines. His current focus is a web project called MightyMeld, a visualization and creation platform for sophisticated React codebases.


Websites (biz) (personal)

Steven called out Dinamo, a type design agency, during the podcast.  Check them out at

Learn To Tame Your Work Intake Beast!


Today we tackle Rule #4 of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. The chapter’s title is Drain the Shallows. During both my reads of this chapter I have been struck by the amount of shallow work that creeps into my day even after the experiments and tweaks tried over the past several weeks. Perhaps I should focus on the amount of deep work rather than the amount of shallow work. One of the ideas Newport suggests is using some form of big visible chart to track deep work. I am drawn to the big visible chart idea; it was one of the early techniques used in agile. Unfortunately, it has fallen out of favor as addiction to tracking tools has increased. Tools all have transparency issues. Data goes into the tools only to be served to mere mortals by the priests and priestesses of the tool. Gone are the days of hand-drawn flip charts on the wall for all to consume. Earlier in the book, Newport recounted Seinfeld’s tactic of tracking deep work by crossing off days on a physical calendar. When I began considering tracking deep work time, I mentally pictured a chess time clock sitting next to me as I worked. That picture has faded and has been replaced this week by a daily tracking column in my notebook which I use EVERY day. I am considering a hand-drawn chart as a statement about transparency. The chart might be overkill as the only other person in my office is my dog. 


SPaMCAST 807 looks at the Nine Core Work Intake Principles from the organization’s middle.  Each layer of the organization has an approach to work intake. While the macro outcome is the same for each layer – work is accepted – each has nuances. The simple three-tier view of organization design used in Mastering Work Intake begins with an executive layer followed by middle management and is anchored by teams. We addressed a team perspective in SPaMCAST 804. Middle management is an important anchor because it makes strategic or longer-term tactical decisions compared to teams. 

We also have a visit from the Evolutionary Agilist, Jeremy Berriult. Mr. Berriult discusses the need for seamless communication 


Rule #3 of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, asks us to quit social media, sort of. Deep work requires space to think without distraction. To find that time, like space in a desk drawer, something needs to be cleared out. The author suggests spending less or no time on high-distraction, low-value work. In most of our careers, social media fits that bill. The point is less a rant about social media but rather a need to evaluate the cost of an activity and compare it to the benefit. 


Why write Mastering Work Intake? Because Jeremy Willets and Tom Cagley decided maybe things could be different. That just chanting “stop starting and stop finishing” wasn’t enough. Our book provides the reader with ideas, principles, actionable advice, worksheets, and examples to help you tame the chaos of work entry. If you had the world enough and time maybe you could put off getting better, making better choices until tomorrow. However, things are the way they are and you can act.

Buy a copy of Mastering Work Intake – 

You could read the book on your own. Marcus Aurelius, Stoic Philosopher and Roman Emperor, wrote. “Mastery of reading and writing requires a master,” Jeremy and I have created two cohort-based workshops (starting soon) to help you discover the context you need to find your path to Mastering Work Intake.  Join us!

The link to Maven to register and for more information: 

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SPaMCAST 805 features our interview with Peter Schroeder. We discuss plane crashes, fatherhood, and the journey from DJ to a technologist and then to a business person. Organizational culture is critical in all organizations, double in distributed environments. Peter discusses how he learned to craft and defend organizational culture. 


Our society has a concentration problem. I was recently in line at Costco and as I was waiting to check out I pulled out my phone and began deleting emails. After a few moments, I remembered Rule #2, Embrace Boredom. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked around, everyone else was looking at their phone or actively interacting with others. A better use of the time would be contemplating a large essay I am writing on how different roles interact with the Nine Core Principles of Work Intake. Parts of the topic are clear cut while others are nuanced. Instead of spending my time in “high-stimuli/ low-value” activities, mind candy, the time would be better spent thinking about a deeper issue. Newport’s idea in this chapter is less to be bored than to create space where you can do deep work. The pings, dings, and kitten videos need to be pushed aside.


The Nine Core Principles of Work Intake are a key backbone of Mastering Work Intake by Jeremy Willets and Tom Cagley. Teams and organizations need to apply these principles to avoid chaos. In the SPaMCAST 804, we illustrate the application of the Nine Core Principles based on role and organizational hierarchy beginning with the classic Scrum team roles.

We also have a visit from Susan Patente, who brings her Not A Scrumdamentalist column to the podcast. This installment discusses why organizations do projects and their role in society.
